Why 2024 Was The Best First Year We Could Wish For

In this blog post, we’re excited to explain why. And we’ll have a little surprise for you at the end.

In total, we have raised over €10,000.-, allowing us to support a large number of children for a year in their education and sports programs. This result wouldn’t have been possible without our volunteers, donors, and advisors.

2024 Highlights

  • We signed our first official partnership agreement with Tennis for All Uganda. This program, founded by the inspiring Vincent Muwereza and Julius Kyobe, aims to provide children with access to education and personal development through tennis.
  • In March, tennis club Chip & Charge in Amsterdam organized the first and fantastic fundraising tournament, collecting over €1,400,-.
  • The official Thirty Love Fundraiser Day Tournament at tennis club V.V.G.A. was a huge success, raising over €7,000.- thanks to the incredible bids and prizes from the grand auction. Our amazing volunteer team (Robin van Dijk, Hanka Steggink, and Stan Reestman) was indispensable for this achievement!
  • During the Dam tot Damloop, no less than ten runners, including founder Erik, participated to raise funds for the Thirty Love Foundation. It was a wonderful sporting experience that left us wanting more.
  • We sent a bag full of tennis equipment to Uganda. This was made possible by Tecnifibre, Tennis & Padel Xclusive, and members of V.V.G.A. You can here check out the bag journey.
  • The Thirty Love Foundation was officially granted PBO-status (ANBI in the Netherlands), a recognition that underscores the importance of our work and enables us to further carry out our mission.
Thirty Love Auction
Daphne en Thijs Dam tot Damloop
Noortje Dam tot Damloop
Noortje Dam tot Damloop

What To Expect in 2025

In 2025, we aim to continue building on the steady growth of our impact and revenue. We are also in discussions with various (inter)national like-minded organizations to further expand our impact and reach.

These events are guaranteed to be on the agenda:

  • The Thirty Love Fundraiser Day Tournament will become an annual tradition, and we’re aiming for another successful edition next summer!
  • At the Amsterdam Marathon 2025, we hope to participate with a large group of runners supporting Thirty Love, including organizing training sessions. Are you planning to run or know someone who is. Reach out and let us know.
  • We will continue to collect and send more materials towards those for whom they’re not a given.
If you’ve read until here, thanks so much for your help. If you want to stay updated on our plans in 2025, you can follow us on LinkedIn or on Instagram (pick your poison). You can also subscribe to our newsletter here.
For our biggest fans, we’re ending the year with a special December Deal on our cool Thirty Love Socks and our limited edition T-shirts. Check out the deal here.